Here is what's new and restock due in this week.
7 Wonders Second Edition
Peaky Blinders
There's also a range of Roleplaying Books we are expecting to come in for the first time in our store.
Age of Cthulhu: A Dream of Japan Adventure
Atlantis: Pirate Queens of Sheba
Battletech RPG: MechWarrior Destiny
Battletech Alpha Strike Commander's Edition
Battletech RPG: Battlemech Manual
Castles & Crusades RPG: Stains Upon the Green Adventure
Cthulhu Alphabet RPG Supplement
Dungeon Fantasy RPG
Invisible Sun: The Threshold
Judge Dredd and the World of 2000ADS
Judge Dredd: The Robot Wars
Kids on Brooms
Numenera: Beneath the Monolith